Precious Oshideko

Dream a little, build a lot, give everything.

Precious is a leader of the times. He moderates the global emergence of a resilient breed — creative individuals whose minds can imagine possibilities, execute innovation and cultivate the inspiring world we all desire. Best described as a “practical dreamer,” he embodies the critical point between being and doing.

As an Information Technology Auditor, Precious is deft at identifying gaps between policy and processes and developing recommendations to remediate control weaknesses. Throughout his career, he has mastered the nuances of communication between management and support personnel; and can convey vital policies and educate key personnel.

He maintains the track as a highflyer – from successfully breaking into the IT industry at the ripe age of 40 years; to now steering the strategic role of VP in a Fortune 100 company. In addition, he demonstrates business resourcefulness via diversified interests. He holds an MBA from the University of Phoenix in Arizona and is running a Doctorate program in Business Administration specializing in Information Systems and Enterprise Resource Management. 

Precious is not one to cower in the face of changing social and economic landscape, however volatile they appear. Instead,  proven in the intricate art of self-evolution, he seeks to empower others to switch and scale as he does. Hence he launched Arete-Zale, a free global training platform that equips young people to explore modern work opportunities and connects them with practical resources for harnessing their deep-seated potential. They are currently offering free Cybersecurity and Project Management programs. Before this, he had committed over two decades to formal social impact endeavors across Africa, Asia, and the USA. Propelled by an affinity for youth and development, Precious has also organized and spoken at Youth conferences in over 100 higher institutions in Nigeria, including globally recognized Universities in the region.

Nevertheless, his influence is fast-extending beyond class and boardrooms to online thought leadership using relatable content forms.  His social media posts are curated to help his followers build intellectual capacity, develop social-emotional dexterity and explore relevant opportunities.